Friday, June 21, 2013

München or Munich?

21.6.13—Traveling to Munich
I am currently on a train headed to München (Munich) with Anna. I read a chapter for my EU class, but decided that I wanted to journal a bit before we traipsed across München.  Anna is sleeping—and from what I've heard from Kristie, Jena, and Anna herself, this is a common theme while traveling.

We are just a few minutes out from our station, but our train is running late—a common theme of the ICE trains.  Regardless, travel by train is quite pleasant.  It is smooth, the scenery is gorgeous, the people are entertaining to watch, and it is relatively quiet. 

All that aside, let me get to the updates of my adventures.  Last night the heat broke with a wonderful thunder storm.  I can’t remember such a wonderful night’s rest (I was so jet lagged the sleep we glorious.  Combine that with me sleeping like a baby during storms, and I was in for an amazing night of rest!).  

This morning we all got up around 7:30.  Well, Laura got up around 7:30 to shower, I didn’t really get up until she was done and Anna waited to get up until I was finished—lazy bum.  For breakfast I had cereal and bread.  Lots of bread (with Nutella of course!).  I may have offended Laura because I apparently took too little nutella to put on my bread, but she’ll get over it.  Anna finally joined Laura and I for breakfast and we all just chatted until it was time to pack-up and head out.

We took the bus into Würzberg accompanied by our amateur tour guide, Laura.  She was graciously pointing out local landmarks and points of interest.  It was quite lovely.  Laura helped us get to our train platform and taught us the word for delayed so Anna and I would be able to tell if our train was late.  Our train was 15 minutes behind schedule, so we were able to get acquainted with the word for delayed.  Finally our train arrived and Laura saw us off.  We were sad to say goodbye—and I was upset to lose our translator and guide, but I suppose we will make it in München somehow. 

On a side note:  Anna and I found seats and stored our luggage much more successfully this time.  Now that we know what to look forward and how to do it, we won’t look like major tourists!

Well, we should be arriving soon; however, according to the last announcement we are not 22 minutes behind schedule.  We’ll get there eventually!

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