Alright, so I'm a wee bit behind on posting. Let's see if I can power through this afternoon and get some blogging done! Here we go.
So, I'm going to skip last Sunday. In summary, I went to Mass at nice little church, but I was very "eh" about the community. Instead of pews they had the individual chairs all lined up. I don't care for those. Something about being in a pew just brings the congregation together. After mass, I came back home and bummed around...Although I did have a nice conversation about the Catholic Faith with the Hindu family I live with.
Now, on to the interesting stuff.
After work on Monday (I really should blog more frequently, the memory is a little hazy) a group of us decided to go to DuPont Circle for dinner. A specific individual had yet to experience DuPont, so it seemed like a good place to go.
We met at Metro Center (which still baffles me. DuPont has a specific Metro stop, but hey, I was just along for the ride) and decided to walk to DuPont. Apparently it isn't very far from Metro Center...That is, if you decide to walk the appropriate direction once you leave the station. After walking a few blocks south, we realized we should have been heading north. Oh well, it was only like Mid-80s...the terrible heat hadn't hit us yet, so what's a few extra blocks of walking in a city like DC, right?
Upon arrival at DuPont Circle we had to wait for a few more members of our group to arrive. To kill time, we played in the fountain that is in the center of the circle at DuPont. There were ducks playing in the overflowing fountain, so we had to shoot some pictures off to our friend Karen who has a minor obsession with ducks! I hope she enjoyed the pics!
When the last two ladies of our group arrived, it was time to find food. Of course, since we all knew we were meeting to go out to dinner, none of us had any idea of where to go or what we wanted. We picked a direction and decided to test our luck.
DuPont is like the hub of a wheel, with various streets that come out as spokes (As seen below). I would hate to drive in traffic in this area. 
After mostly walking and talking, and rejecting a restaurant every now and again, we decided to try La Tomate: Italian Bistro. The prices were very average, so we wandered in--we were also all starving at this point, so we didn't really care what type of food we ate.
Turns out it was a pretty snazzy place. Clothe table clothes and all! (Heehee).
The food was absolutely delicious. I ordered Tagliatelle alla Bolognese (Tagliatelle pasta w/ classic meat ragout. And yes, for the record, I did look that up online to make sure I got it right! Heehee. They sprinkled fresh parmesan cheese and ground pepper on our dishes if we wanted it after they brought the food out. Yum Yum!
You would think, at a restaurant where they have wine glasses sitting at the table (they offered us drinks, but were sure to mention that they would card us. Apparently we didn't look mature enough) that our dinner conversations would be sophisticated and intelligent. Occasionally, it was; however, the majority of the time was spent discussing topics that would have resulted in a glare and a reprimand from our mothers. And of course, there was one (staged) outburst of laughter specifically designed to make everyone else in the restaurant jealous that they were not at our table.
Needless to say, we are a classy group.
After our waiter brought our checks and kindly boxed-up Emily and I's left overs--we ordered the same thing, so he marked them "him" and "her"--we decided to head out for dessert.
When we arrived at DuPont, Emily caught sight of the Krispy Kreme shop and we decided that we would make that our dessert. So, sticking to our guns, we headed to Krispy Kreme (see what I did with the title? heehee). A couple squares decided they didn't want to get donuts, but I didn't care. I ordered a dozen assorted and after sharing, claimed the leftovers as mine!
Of course, anyone that has been to Krispy Kreme knows they always have their epic hats out for customers to take--I think they are supposed to be targeting small children. The only logical thing to do was to get the group to all put on a hat and take a group picture. After a small about of coercion, everyone had a hat on, and we had a group picture!
At this point, it was getting late and the majority of us still had reading to do for our Tuesday sessions. We deemed it time to head our separate ways. Part of us fractured off and headed back towards DuPont and the Red Line. The other part headed to whatever station had an Orange line.
Emily, Sam, and I were the second group. After walking for a minute or two, there was a group consensus that a restroom break was needed. The local place: The closest Subway store. So, loaded with Krispy Kremes and left over Italian food, we stopped at the Subway across the street from us and made use of their facilities. It was at this point that I realized the white shirt I had been wearing did not make it out of the restaurant unharmed.
Sadly, my white shirt had been hit. While my tie had made it out without any major incidents, my shirt had a red/orange spot on it. It was clear the pasta had targeted my helpless shirt and left it for dead. Luckily, I noticed it in the bathroom and was able to apply pressure and get the poor thing home!
As usual, there was a wait for the Metro. Seldom is the train ever there when you actually want it to be. Oh well. As the 3 of us headed in the same direction, we chatted about various nicknames and childhood memories from our past. Unfortunately, neither Sam nor Emily had nicknames that are overly embarrassing and would be fun to post online! Drat!
I made it home around...well, I'm not entire sure, 9 ish maybe? Somewhere between 9 and 10. It was dark and I had to use my flashlight app to walk through the wooded path, but I made it home without anything notable happening.
Well, almost nothing notable. I remembered on the walk home that I had forgotten to pay my insurance--which was due on the 11th. After a desperate attempted to contact the agency, I realized that no place was open to process my late payment. This little stressor reminded me of a couple of other events that just brought on more stress. No one was available to remind me that everything was going to be ok, so I decided to sent a nice long rambling email to a friend.
By the time I had typed out the email, I was feeling much better and realized I would just call my insurance agency the next day. 12 hours was not going to be a problem--especially since I wasn't planning on driving any where any time soon.
After reading for awhile, I decided to call it a night (the best part of riding the Metro is it provides amble time to read). While I had somehow managed to turn an entertaining evening into an incredibly stressful night, it all worked out and I was able to start my next morning as an Optimistic Intern!
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