Monday, July 15, 2013

A Quick Oxford Summary

So, I’m well aware I’m nearly three weeks behind.  I will get everything updated, it just may be while I’m back in the state!  (Or maybe I’ll write while on the plane).  That being said, I wanted to give everyone a quick update about what Oxford is like, so here goes the Oxford Summary:

Our first night here we had a formal dinner with multiple courses, two types of wine, and great company.  We sat in the “Hall” (think Great Hall like in Harry Potter) at rows of tables and there was a high table for the professors and important people. 

The professors walked in in their black robes and we all stood until they were seated.  It was pretty spectacular.  It didn’t take long for me to realize I would be eating nearly every meal in this wonderful hall, albeit without the professors and all the pomp.  Normal meals (breakfast and lunch) were buffet style and better than normal school meals—according to Joe, the summer school assistant.  Dinner is a two course, served meal (main and dessert).  It is wonderful!

The college is beautiful.  A nice quadrangle is in the entry way, with only fellows being allowed to walk on it.  Students are fined if they cross it and tourists are told to strictly stay off of it.  There is a beautiful chapel on campus (but of course, it’s Church of England) and the buildings range from old to 1980s.  The 1980s buildings try to match the time period.  However, there is a building from the 1960s/70s and, like everything from that time period, it is square and ugly. 

Courses are lovely.  I’m taking “The Changing Face of Britain” and “The European Union in Perspective.”  Changing Face is more of a sociology class, which is fascinating and looks at changing trends in family, political, and social aspects of the UK.  The EU course looks at, surprisingly, the European Union!  I have seminars 4 days a week (M/W and T/R) and we have our plenary lectures every day at 11:15.  Some lucky dogs only have class two days a week, but those are long days.

Underneath the hall is the undercroft.  This is the social center of the campus and code for bar.  Lulu is the head bartender and she is absolutely fabulous!  The smart people befriended her quick, and received lots of laughs and great stories.  After lunch and dinner there is fresh tea and coffee in the undercroft.  I thoroughly enjoy my tea with two sugars and milk.  I have consumed lots of it while being here and have become quite spoiled with it.  During the day there is a nice machine in the undercroft that you can make a cup of tea or coffee if it tickles your fancy.  It’s quite nice. 

I’ve been on many adventures throughout Oxford, but more on them to come later.  Overall, it’s been a wonderful experience. Currently, many people are working on finishing their essays.  We have to write a 2000-3000 (6-8 page) essay for each seminar.  I’ve finished one and I’m working on the second one.  It’s not due until Thursday, but my goal is to finish tomorrow so I can celebrate and continue to bond with all the wonderful people I have met while here.  If only I could churn out words as fast I do while blogging.  Oh well.

So, that’s a quick update.  I’m sorry I’ve fallen so far behind, but there is just soo little time in a day.  I will catch up.  You have my word!  Just know that Capri was beautiful, Rome brought me to tears, the trip up to Oxford was fairly painless, and I’m having a wonderful time here! 

Until time decides to slow down, I’m back to work!  So long readers and thanks for sticking with me!


1 comment:

  1. suggestion for method of blogging....
    Keep notes to remind you of each experience (do this daily).
    Then write your blog when you return and have time for thought and reflection.
    In the meantime, post little blurbs as you can so we know what you've been doing. :o)
